What’s that in the water?

So we’ve had Polish visitors in the office the past couple weeks. I have to say most of them I’ve met are abnormally happy 🙂
…I’m convinced they’re putting viagra in the water or Poland is some testing ground for new pharmaceuticals that alter ones mood 🙂
Anyways they’re all so nice. It’s great. They tend to bring gifts for colleagues and it seems the Italians don’t have a taste for Polish stuff, so the logical thing (?) to do when one has received a gift from Poland that one is not fond of…is to find an american and re-gift…As everyone in Italy apparently knows – Americans will eat or drink anything.

I’ve got two bottles of Vodka, some candy, and a jar of homemade stewish type stuff that I’ve never heard of…I’m just going to call it grzsykyyski 😀 Obviously it was made by some gramma, and I love her for it…Lest anyone assumes I think badly of the Polish I can assure you that’s not true. Most of them I’ve met have been wonderful (I’m not being sarcastic)…(don’t worry noone from Poland reads this – Your re-gifting ways are still a secret)…

…and I just read that Possessed by Paul James (Konrad Wert) will be in Europe this summer…this calls for a road trip. Apparently he’ll be in the U.K. France and Swissland (hopefully not all at the same time). I’ll have to go see him at some point.
I saw him once in Frankfurt and the show was incredible. I managed to invite myself onto the stage for the third set – I also was responsible for the whole third set. Just yell “Third set” when he’s wrapping it up and he’ll do a third set…
The link if anyone cares…

I’m sure the Italians think this is odd, but some vids…

OH AND….this was a related video on one of the videos above…ha! christy! Diving, cheating, lying bastard…

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